Rakecha Diabetes Care Centre stands as a beacon of hope in the heart of Nashik city. What began as a vision to provide comprehensive care for patients suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid issues, and heart diseases, has blossomed into a center of excellence.
At Rakecha Diabetes Care Centre, we are committed to providing scientific and holistic treatment to our patients. Our focus extends beyond mere symptom management; we strive to address the root causes of these chronic conditions, empowering individuals to lead healthier lives.
Our facility is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, including a complete pathology lab and advanced cardiac diagnostics such as ECG and cardiac stress tests. With the guidance of our experienced team of doctors and specialists, patients receive personalized care tailored to their specific needs.
Moreover, our in-house dietician provides expert advice to help patients adopt healthier lifestyles, crucial for managing conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Additionally, our pharmacy center ensures that all necessary medications and supplements are readily available, streamlining the treatment process for our patients.
At Rakecha Diabetes Care Centre, we understand the challenges posed by chronic diseases, both to patients and their families. That's why we are dedicated to providing compassionate care and support at every step of the journey. Our mission is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those battling chronic illnesses, helping them live fuller, happier, and healthier lives.
To help, assess, empower, and motivate patients with chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, thyroid problems, obesity, and heart diseases to take charge of their health. We aim to offer effective treatment with caring support at an affordable cost.
India has earned the title of being the diabetes capital of the world due to the rising number of diabetes and chronic disease cases. In developed countries, about half of the adult population is either prediabetic or diabetic. By educating ourselves and receiving accurate treatment from doctors skilled in managing these conditions, we can prevent long-term complications and reduce the physical, mental, and economic burden on the population.
Dr Rakecha is a wonderful person,he really takes good care of his patients.i am his patient for the past fifteen years.
Very satisfied with the suggestion and prescription. Doctor explained to the point and good follow up by him. Staff too are polite
It was great experience.Very well guided and properly treated by Dr Rakecha. staff members are care taking also.
Dr. Rakecha is a good doctor attending patients properly n giving proper guidance